Tiny technology,
for a sustainable future

Beauty & Home

Create a very fine and soft spray.
Spray that you can personalise.
Control the dose of your perfume.
For Beauty, Home and Personal Care products the Medspray nozzle is the enabling technology to create new innovative products.

Add ultimate luxury to your fragrance

Medspray’s nozzles enable a long lasting soft moving cloud. The aerosol cloud feels dry, even without alcohol in the formulation. The delivery rate and the spray cone angle can be engineered for an optimal luxurious experience, soft skin sensation and beautiful visual effects.

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Say no to propellants,
yes to the environment

Body sprays and deodorants require a higher liquid delivery rate than fine fragrances or facial sprays. We find the ultimate application for each brand identity by tuning the number of spray pores, the size of the pores and the spray cone angle. And more: there is no need for liquid propellants.




Slow moving soft cloud of freshness

Medspray’s nozzles create a slow moving soft cloud of aerosol droplets with a narrow particle size distribution. The droplets do not ‘rain out’ onto the floor or onto delicate furniture surfaces, but generate a fresh scent with a minimal amount of fragrance. The system’s container can be transparent, allowing users to see how much is left.

Moisturizing facial mists for optimal sensation

Medspray’s nozzles deliver a soft uniform facial water spray, that won’t feel wet but will still moisturize your skin. This nozzle can be applied to cooling water sprays, skin care formulas or for a makeup fixation layer. It allows you to apply the fixation after applying your makeup, without running it. We can tune the spray cone angle, the droplet size and the spray time. This influences the ultimate skin sensation and visual effect of the spray. Our nozzles can be placed on a simple pump or on an aerosol can.

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